April 25, Wednesday, 2012 was supposed to be just another ordinary day; a deck full of patients’ names, heavy traffic on the way to Ortigas Ave., late time-out from duty, etc… But this day turned out to be nothing but ordinary. Let me just share how little things made today one of the best days of my internship year —- yet. :)
First off, there wasn’t much traffic during our way to TMC and we were able to handle the morning batch of patients without sweat, literally. So, to begin, let’s just say that this GV day started not with a kiss but with a hearty lunch at North Park courtesy of one of our dearest cool clinical supervisors, Ms. Dianne, and our “ate”, Ms. Rieka. Me and my intern buddy, Amiel, weren’t really expecting to be part of the free meal. But as it turns out, we were! You could just imagine our joy! :D It was our first time to roam around and check out other food stations in TMC instead of just eating at our usual spot, ISS, which served value meals good enough to eat. But, well, nothing beats restaurant food, let alone, FREE restaurant food. Anyways, North Park serves Korean food (I think, if I’m not mistaken haha), as you may have guessed straight out from the name, and it’s located beside TMC’s ER overlooking Ortigas Ave. The place was comfy and the food was delicious! What’s more was we were able to enjoy the food and not rush since we had an early out for lunch.
Unfortunately, this is the only picture we were able to take. We were no longer able to take a photo of our meals once they were served because we were all so hungry that we had to just dig in and enjoy the food and the company. When we were all stuffed and full but there were still pieces of food left at the table, Ms. D. offered to give me and Amiel “motivation” to finish all the food, and so we did. And let me just say that the prize was right and well worth it! Indeed, the best things in life are free. :)
After lunch, we arrived at TMC-PMR with enough time to prepare for our afternoon batch of patients. We were having one of our pediatric clients, baby Z, who usually cries during therapy. Fortunately, as if the heavens are saying “today is a good day”, baby Z was very cooperative and calm all through out the session, I was even able to make him laugh when I terminated the session with the song “Where is teacher?” instead of “We are going…etc”. We were all laughing, and it was fun. It’s one of those experiences when making mistakes wasn’t bad at all.
When we came back to the main OT room, since we conduct sessions with pediatric patients at a separate room, i.e. Recreational room, it was fortunate that my crush, a PT trainee, was just about to leave after putting back the things he borrowed for therapy. When he has gone out of the room, Ate R. told everyone else that I have a crush on him, and Sir Rolf, also one of my dearest cool clinical supervisors, went and called him back just to introduce me to him! You could just imagine how “kilig” I was before he entered the room. XD Buti na lang, I had my ‘poker face’ on when he was being introduced to ONLY me… take note, ONLY me… So, I don’t think he’s gonna have a problem figuring things out, would he? XD Anyways, it was fine with me, I mean, it’s fun and he can think all he want, it’s just a small crush. hihi Besides, he’ll never know the real story, he’ll just end up guessing or something. And another ‘besides’ is that I’m gonna be leaving TMC soon enough, so, fine by me, this can only turn out good for me, anyways. :))))
Well, after the thing with Mr. J., our intern buddies, Abby and Robbie, who were on duty at TMC-Psych, went to PMR to wait for us to finish. We introduced them to our CSs and to Ms. R. Our CSs gave us another gift for the day when they let us time out at around 5:05 pm, and it’s one of those record breaker days for early time-outs for me and Amiel. What’s more was, Robbie gave me and Abby a venti cup of Starbucks for free since he was able to earn from selling tickets for the premiere night of the movie, Avengers!
It was sooooo great! Since, I was really craving for Starb’s caramel macchiato just this morning! :D
(Sorry for the low-res pictures hihi)
We then proceeded to wait for our respective transport vehicles in front of TMC, and luckily, one bus to Quiapo was already parked there waiting for me. I said good-bye to all four of them and went to choose my own seat on board the bus. I encountered minimal traffic all through out the ride and I was home at around 6:30 pm. The end of story.
Well, were you able to note the little things that made my day one of the best GV days ever? If yes, why not try looking at your own day and see if there were also those kinds of small twists and turns that would have made your day a whole lot better, if only you would appreciate them? It’s one of mankind’s weaknesses, you know, when we tend to ignore small things we immediately sort or tag as those that ‘do not matter’. But in the end, if only we’d look at them well enough, we’d see how pretty much where we are right now was because of those small twists and turns during a seemingly uneventful day of our lives.
(So this is the “GV Me” btw hihi)
To end, I’d like to share this fresh perspective of mine: this day was only part of the beginning of what I call “Internship’s Year of Sacrifices”, which is a year literally full of sacrifices. But after having today, I realized, it doesn’t have to be that way; It doesn’t have to be a ‘year of sacrifices’, but it may very well be a ‘year of new and wonderful experiences’ instead. Life is short; let’s not waste the end times with regrets.
and live today with a smile on your face and try to just be happy with even the littlest of the day’s blessings. :)
- Keso (Little Big Things - Original Post)
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